Thursday, September 28, 2006

I don't want your socialist paper

Why does everyone need a label?

Just because I come to your events and protests, that doesn't mean that you can assume I'm just like you or have the same viewpoint on everything. Please, I don't want to join your socialist organization, stop bugging me about it. I don't want your paper, because I follow the news already and don't need your slant on it.

You know I've noticed the same things here that I did in New York. I've met many activists who are socialists. They're cool but a few times, certain people keep bugging me about socialism. I tell them I'm not interested for personal reasons, but sometimes that answer isn't good enough.

Am I a leftist? Am I a liberal? If you asked me my viewpoints on everything you and I would both figure out, that I'm not as far left on everything as I appear to be. Why do I have to labeled? A leftist, or a liberal, or a socialist? Why must we pick sides? Can't I criticize the left? The left isn't right on everything man. For instance I feel a pressure, which I felt today, that we all must be labeled and be united against everything else. We are always in the right, and everyone else is wrong. Oh sure we'll debate and hear their arguments, but we're right because we're on the right side.

I don't want to be labeled. I'm not a leftist, or a liberal, and I'm certainly not a socialist. But that doesn't mean I'm a capitalist, not by far. But I am a human being, who just cares about other human beings. Why does everything have to be labeled? And as this movement or that movement? Its all one struggle isn't it? Does that struggle need a name also? Does it need to be called a coalition? Or even equality, justice, or freedom? How about just a fight for humanity? Not for leftism or socialism or the anti-war movement or the solidarity movement - just, humanity.

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