Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Visitor

Been using this space for notes on books I read, might do it a bit for films I watch too. And so:

Got a stack of DVDs from the library that I still hadn't gotten to yet. Saw that a friend's feature had gotten into SXSW, and felt happy for him. Felt inspired too and thought, I need to get off my ass and do something film-related, need to get this ball going.

So I put on The Visitor (2008). Heard about it when it first came out, had always wanted to see it. Ending up feeling underwhelmed by it but also surprised.

The Good:
- Hiam Abbass! Didn't realize she was in it. She is one of my favourite actors, a pure icon of contemporary Arab cinema. Just read that she's directed some films herself as well - nice! I wish though that she got more dynamic roles than just of the suffering mother. Her turn in Amreeka I think was terrific, as she got to play a feisty aunt. 
- Didn't realize this film would be addressing undocumented immigrants, and the BS that happens all too often for someone getting picked up by the NYPD then getting thrown into detention. The film doesn't have a happy, wrapped-up-with-a-bow ending, which I liked. I was surprised the story went there.
- Liked the pairing of an Arab guy with a West African woman. Colourism is rife in Muslim communities. Cute couple. 

The Bad:
- The acting. I thought the main guy was very stiff. And just too awkward. We get it, you're old and lonely and awkward. Everyone was awkward in this film, except the character Tarek (yeahhh Haaz Sleiman).
- Definitely white saviour trope in this film. As well as old white guy getting down with it; ie learning to play the djembe and joining the drum circle.
- Director's notes on the DVD also noted this, with writer/director Tom McCarthy really wanting to focus on the story from the old white dude's perspective. Yawn. That's basically, like so many films out there.
- So much of the acting felt so stilted and again - awkward - and some of the editing too, I just feel like it wasn't great directing.

I did really like McCarthy's first film, which happens to be The Station Agent, which I by chance re-watched some months ago. Terrific little film.

Updated: his other film is Spotlight. YEAH. Now that is a really good film!

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